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  • How can I cancel/close my account?
    Accounts can only be closed by reaching out to our team by phone at 508-646-0030. When calling, please have the following information available: Your account number Other ...
  • How can I pay my bill online?
    Paying your bill online is easy! Payments can be submitted at https://billing.meganet.net/. We accept most forms of payment, which include: MasterCard VISA American Express Discover Electronic checking (E-CHECK/ACH) Payments can also be ...
  • How can I request a copy of my bill?
    Please email billing@meganet.net or contact us at 508-646-0030 for a copy of your bill. We are now switching to electronic statements, so your bill will ...
  • How can I set a vacation message/email forwarding?
    If you're going away and would like to set up a vacation message, this can be done by logging into your webmail at webmail.meganet.net or ...
  • How can I change my billing information?
    Billing information, such as credit cards, can be submitted to us electronically at our billing website: https://billing.meganet.net/. Payment information can also be submitted by telephone by ...
  • How can I register a domain name through you?
    We're happy to help register a domain name on your behalf. When you purchase a domain through Meganet, we handle all aspects of the process. ...
  • How can I release my domain name?
    Releasing a domain name involves changing ownership of the domain name you have registered with us. It means that we're no longer in charge of ...
  • How can I check my email when I'm away?
    If you typically use an email client like Outlook or Thunderbird and you need access to your email outside of home, you can check your ...
  • How do I set up my email on my iPhone/iPad?
    To set up your email on your iPhone, you need to follow these steps: Open the Settings app. Navigate to Mail, Contacts, Calendars. Select Add Account. Choose Other. Choose Add ...
  • How can I access my spam filter?
    Your spam filter is now included directly in your IMAIL inbox. When logged in, click the spam folder on the left. The spam folder has ...
  • How can I tell if I'm using POP or IMAP?
    Every email program differs slightly, but finding out whether you're using POP or IMAP is relatively straightforward. Open your email program and head over to settings. ...
  • How do I create a SPAM folder in my email client?
    In order to create a SPAM folder in your email client, you must first find your existing folder structure. This is usually made up of ...