What are your mail server settings?

Your mail server settings will depend on your email address. Below you will find our server settings for a number of mail products we offer.

Example: user@meganet.net / abcisp.net / empire.net / xpres.net

Incoming mail server: mail.meganet.net
Outgoing mail server: smtp.meganet.net
Incoming mail server port number: 110 (POP) or 143 (IMAP)
Outgoing mail server port number: 587

For commercial accounts utilizing the IMAIL platform (not migrated in June 2019) with their own domain name, the server settings are as follows:

Example: user@yourdomain.com

Incoming mail server: imail.meganet.net
Outgoing mail server: imail.meganet.net
Incoming mail server port number: 110 (POP) or 143 (IMAP)
Outgoing mail server port number: 587

Please note, customers migrated in June 2019 are required to use their username@meganet.net format for logging into IMAIL. This relates to the legacy structure from the old mail server.

If you're unsure of whether to user POP or IMAP, please take a look at this article, which explains the mail differences. Both POP and IMAP will work fine across our mail services. SSL/TLS is available (incoming port: 993 for IMAP and 995 for POP, outgoing port: 587 for SMTP) and outgoing mail authentication should be enabled. For more information on how this is done, please consult the documentation that came with your email software.

Tags: email, email server, server settings
Last update:
2023-12-26 14:39
Meganet Team
Average rating: 5 (4 Votes)

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