How can I cancel/close my account?

Accounts can only be closed by reaching out to our team by phone at 508-646-0030. When calling, please have the following information available:

  • Your account number
  • Other identifying billing information

Account cancellations cannot be scheduled, so please call us on the date you wish for services to be cut off.

Commercial accounts

To cancel a commercial account, please reach out to your assigned account manager. If you do not know who your account manager is, please contact us at the phone number above.


Once a residential customer has entered their billing cycle, the entire month is due. Therefore, we generally recommend closing your account toward the end of your billing cycle (or the last day of it).

For commercial accounts, please consult your account manager for billing questions related to account closures.

Tags: account, cancel, cancellation, close
Last update:
2015-10-06 19:34
Meganet Team
Average rating: 5 (1 Vote)

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